This is an old piece I thought I had lost. As a matter of fact, I had just remembered i wrote the damn thing a few days back. Have been attempting to recall the piece from memory since then. Anyway, I checked my email this evening and find a notification from an old poetry forum I used to visit. Someone had dug up the poem to comment on it. Completely forgot I left it there. Funny how that stuff works. non-serious piece. For giggles.
Jiggly parts, cold beer
Makes me shed
A manly tear
Hairy chest, shoulder locks
When I'm angry
I throw rocks
I am man, watch me loaf
Or if you're female
Enjoy my gropes
Granite chin, fists of steel
With a punch so hard
Your mom will feel
Cause I am man, watch me loaf
And despite its size
I always boast
I am man, watch me eat
And shed crumbs over
Your pleather seats
I am man, I don't care
I've dried my face
With underwear
We are men, being men rocks
And not one of us haven't
Jerked into a sock