Friday, February 10, 2012

My Awesome Rhyming List

Here is another piece I put together a couple years back. It doesn't really have a purpose/meaning. I was bored at the time and had some fresh to burn. Its meant to be humorous in its absurdity.

After breaking some boards with my masculine fists
I'm going to take a sit down, and write a big list
Consisting of things I've done or will do
That are epic and awesome, thus marginalizing you

Like racing a horse, of course on foot
Or wrestling a bear, which I'll suplex through some stairs
I'll play my trombone atop the highest mountain peak
And eat a hundred hot dogs, just to prove you are weak

After taming a wolf with a bat and raw steak
I'm will unleash him on you, specifically your face
Then I might get around to composing a symphony
The most discordant one evar, I'll live forever in infamy

I will conquer your country and enslave your peoples
To do my own bidding; manual labor and building steeples
Cause a nation is not yours unless religiously converted
Mind chained and blindfolded, thus easily herded

So I should probably get around to ending this poem
I'm a rhyme runner, fools, dorky lyrics I love sewing
And I think I've covered enough to make you feel like shit
So I hope you've enjoyed reading my awesome rhyming list

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